T.J. has been in the insurance for his entire life. His Grandfather started an Insurance agency in 1972, and the family has kept it going. He has many years of experience shopping the Insurance market and pays close attention the trends of the market. T.J. can help you with your insurance coverage, and make sure you have enough coverage, or not too much. He can point you in the right direction when companies have rate increases. He’s proud to share that he shops every customers rates at every renewal to make sure there’s not a better deal. That’s a huge advantage in being an Independent agent and working with over 40 of the top Insurance carriers.
T.J. moved to Blairsville in 2012 after selling his agency in Commerce, GA. He always wanted to live in the North GA Mountains. Him and his family have been visiting the area since the early 2000’s and he fell in love with the beauty, and peacefulness of Blairsville. He truly believes he has found his home in the mountains. He has a beautiful family that he loves spending time with, doing things like fishing, golfing, camping, and just being outside together. Stop in to say hello anytime, to shop insurance, or just to talk about how great the mountains are. You are always welcome.